Heritage Endowment

Trinity Heritage Endowment

The Heritage Endowment was established to help preserve Trinity’s properties, two of which are well over a century old. 

Preserving the foundations of our faith

On June 5, 2005 Trinity Lutheran Church, by unanimous vote, established a Heritage Endowment Fund to provide financial assistance for property maintenance and capital improvements, primarily of the church building and the Maple Drive parsonage.


Trinity Church is an anchor in the community of Spring Grove. Its steeple and gold cross send a beam of light to all who approach the village. It is central to the community’s culture.

We are in awe of the sacrifices made by our forebears who built the church the Maple Drive parsonage, and Trinity Center. It is imperative that we plan for the care and stability of these properties in the future. Our VISION is that the church building and the Maple Drive parsonage will be improved and maintained in pristine condition in perpetuity. These projects would be over and above regular maintenance items covered in Trinity’s General Operating Budget. We want to be outstanding stewards of our legacy.

Whenever asset accumulation makes it possible, capital construction could occur. Meanwhile there will be adequate resources within the Endowment Fund to meet all preservation and enhancement projects as we honor the legacy of these amazing structures built by Trinity folk who preceded us. Gifts to this portion of the endowment will remain in perpetuity and only interest income from it will be spent. People from other countries and cultures will look upon these buildings as repositories of history, places which honor the sacrifices and vision of our forbears. When our lives here have ended, may it be said of us, “Well done, thou good and faithful servants.”

The Heritage Endowment Committee will be open to recommending to the Trinity Church Council what percentage of the income might be spent for programs beyond bricks and mortar.


Our MISSION is to inspire and encourage each person who is part of the Trinity Heritage to participate in growing the Endowment Fund. Giving is a faith response. We will provide opportunities for people to learn about planned giving instruments which benefit both them and the Endowment. Together we will seek new and better ways to achieve our shared vision. We will receive and invest unrestricted as well as restricted gifts and bequests.

Our GOAL...

Our five-year goal is to accumulate $600,000 cash in the Trinity Heritage Endowment Fund. Our ten-year goal is to have received pledges, cash, and planned giving instruments totaling $1,500,000.


Servant Leader…. Launched in the fall of 2006 this phase resulted in $259,000. in cash gifts and pledges

Congregation and Alumni phases are ongoing.

“We believe in the Trinity Heritage Endowment because it carries forth the vision of our great, great grandparents who all made a commitment, created a home and made possible for us a very special place for us to grow up, learn and worship…A place where most of us still have family and where we proudly visit to share in this community.”     --Mike and Diane Schmidt

Although we fully acknowledge that alumni have commitments to congregations where they are presently members, we hope they will choose to preserve the literal foundations of their faith by matching the total contributions made by present Trinity members to the campaign.

Support the Heritage Endowment now with cash and/or at any time in the future through pledges and legacy gifts via your estate.

Ways of Giving

Cash gifts

payable over 3-5 years

Download Pledge Card 

Transfer of stock or other assets 
Federal law allows you to take the current market value of securities donated to a charitable organization such as Trinity Lutheran Church as a charitable deduction. Stocks, bonds or mutual funds that have risen in value since their purchase make excellent contributions. Such gifts, if held longer than 12 months, may be deducted at their full value.

Insurance or Insurance Plans
Gifts through life insurance provide several options: 
- Transfer of a current policy
- Assigned dividends paid on a policy to the church
- Naming the church as a beneficiary of a current policy
- Purchase of a new policy naming the Trinity Lutheran Church as the irrevocable owner of the policy

Specific property (home/farm) Percentage of an estate Residue of the estate

Charitable Lead Trust Charitable Remainder Trust

Everything is in place now for all of us to do planned giving. We can decide now where the money we worked hard for, but God made possible, can go when we die. In addition we can give cash gifts and pledges for the time while we are still living.


Send us your memories. Here is a list of founding family names. However, we would like to collect any memories you have. We have listed one name as Trinity families and this memory book can be used for all families. Also let us know if we are missing a founding family name.

Our Family Memories
Here is a list of founding family names - let us know if one is missing.  There is also a list for Trinity Family where anyone can post memories.

















Foss/Vaaler/ Kieland/



Vision to see …
Faith to trust …
Mission to serve … 
God’s future Trinity Lutheran Church, Spring Grove, Minnesota has a rich history and a vibrant present. We look to the future with hope and confidence, trusting that God will continue to sustain us in the mission and ministry of the good news of Christ. 
Our forebears at Trinity were generous and faithful stewards of God’s gifts to them, and we are the recipients of their vision, faith and mission. 
We wish to be generous and faithful stewards in our day, too. 
Trinity is fortunate to have three endowment funds to help us put our stewardship in motion. Among the three funds, we respond to a variety of needs both local and global.