Scholarship Endowment

Trinity Scholarship Endowment

As each has received a gift, employ it for another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace… in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ.    
                                                                                                          --1 Peter 4:10-11

Giving to learn. Learning to give.

Trinity Lutheran’s Scholarship Endowment Fund was established in 1995 with the mission of supporting the educational goals of Trinity members. This scholarship is available to all of our high school seniors and post-secondary students. All members may apply for up to four years of funding for post-secondary education.

High school seniors should contact their guidance counselor for the Trinity Endowment Scholarship application form. All other applicants can receive a form by contacting the church office or by using the Printable Application Form (click here for form). Applications are due at the church office no later than 4:00 p.m. on the last business day of May.

This endowment not only helps Trinity members achieve their educational goals, but also leads them to understand the power of giving. Our hope is that one day they will be led to give in return.

Ways of Giving

Please consider donating a financial gift to the Trinity Scholarship Endowment Fund. All gifts are greatly appreciated, and tax deductible.  

You may give your gift in honor, memory or appreciation of a friend or loved one. Memorial envelopes are available at the funeral home and in the church pews.

Ways to donate:

• Cash and checks may be sent directly to the church office or may be placed in a memorial envelope. All checks should be written to “Trinity Lutheran Church: Scholarship Endowment.”


Click below for Scholarship Application

Word doc

Vision to see …
Faith to trust …
Mission to serve … 
God’s future Trinity Lutheran Church, Spring Grove, Minnesota has a rich history and a vibrant present. We look to the future with hope and confidence, trusting that God will continue to sustain us in the mission and ministry of the good news of Christ. 
Our forebears at Trinity were generous and faithful stewards of God’s gifts to them, and we are the recipients of their vision, faith and mission. 
We wish to be generous and faithful stewards in our day, too. 
Trinity is fortunate to have three endowment funds to help us put our stewardship in motion. Among the three funds, we respond to a variety of needs both local and global.